Newmarket Camera Club Member Code of Conduct
As a member of the club, I will attend such meetings that I can and while in attendance be supportive of other member's work during the photo review. I will not be negative or openly critical of another member's efforts. If I really have a strong negative opinion about the work, I shall keep my mouth shut, and if I am offended by the content, I shall speak with Ross about my concerns as he is not psychic.
I will never use another member's work without their express written permission.
I accept that my work is my own intellectual property. Since it's my work, I can do whatever I please with it, and no one else can use it without my permission.
Submitting an image for any assignment grants the Newmarket Camera Club an irrevocable right to display the image on the club's website, to select the image as the front image of a gallery and to otherwise represent your photographic genius in a manner that encourages others to join the club. Such submissions do not grant the club the right to use my image(s) for other purposes, without permission.
I will not attempt to sell junk on the Marketplace without proper disclosure of its junk-state, and I will have the title to anything I choose to sell and hold the buyer harmless of any negative legal stuff.
I will not encourage the use of improperly licensed software by others, nor will I share such a thing if it appeared on my doorstep with other members through the channels of the club.
If I ever decide I do not wish to participate in the club any longer, I will let Ross know so he can stop sending me emails and other communications pertaining to the club, because he is not psychic.
I will pay my membership dues on time and in cash because it's a good club and I'm a good person. Members who have not paid their current annual dues by the end of February of the membership year will be removed.
I will not engage in conflicts on the club website, the club private Forum page, at meetings nor will I make comments in any club venue that denigrate other members.
I appreciate that this Code of Conduct is a live document and is subject to change. I expect that any major changes will be provided to members in some form of notification such as email or a post.