Join the group at this workshop where we will invest the time learning the entire process for shooting black and white successfully. We will cover metering your scene to maximize tones, determining where you want specific tones to fall in your exposure and spend time learning enough of the ZONE System to have it make sense in practical approaches.
Then we will move on to the post-processing, using Lightroom Classic CC as the demonstration platform where we will explore processing prior to and following the black and white conversion and then studying which tools matter for black and white and which are irrelevant.
A computer with editing software is required for this workshop. You should also bring at least five of your own images to use in the processing lab work to build your skills around black and white. You will need to understand your camera enough to know how to manipulate the metering options and should bring your camera with you as well.
A notepad or book will be essential for recording interim discoveries while doing the metering exercises.
Sheila Burgess
Amina Mohammed - PAID
Heidi Starke
Gordon VanSpall
Douglas Scott
Joanne McEwan
Jeff Ibbotson
Kent Kaufman
Dennis Herdman - PAID
Maureen Smith - PAID
Enrico Forlini
Leila Brown
Henry Psenicka
Colin Moneypenny
Bill Bell
Roger Severn